Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
State higher education establishment

“National mining university”


Chairman of the Admissions Committee

Rector G.G. Pivnyak

“____ ” ________________ 20 __ year

Program of selection higher education students for training on the program preparation of reserve officers in state higher educational establishment the National Mining University

1. General information about Department of Military training.

1.1. Department of military training is a structural subdivision of state higher educational establishment “National mining university” that carries out the training of reserve officers from among students of higher education establishments of Dnipropetrovs’k respectively a license of Ministry of education and science, youth and sports of Ukraine series AE 527867 granted 06.01.2015 valid until 01.07.2019. Licensed volume – 350 persons.

1.2. Military training of students in state HEE “NMU” planned and carried one instructional day at week (by method of “military day”) during two educational years.

1.3. Department carries out the training of reserve officers from 3 military educational specializations for the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

2. Program of select of students for training under programs of preparation of reserve officers.

2.1. General provisions

2.1.1. Rules of selection students of higher education establishments at the Department of military training for military training under programs of reserve officers developed on the basis of requirements of Law of Ukraine “About Higher Education”, “About military duty and military service”, resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Approving the Procedure of military training higher education students by program of preparation of reserve officers”. Provision about military educational divisions of higher education institutions approved by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine from June 20, 2003 400/192 and registered with the Ministry Justice of Ukraine October 27, 2003, 978/8299. Instructions about training of reserve officers out of the students of higher education establishments approved by order of Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 11.11.2004 531/587.

2.2. Conditions of passing students of military training on the program preparation of reserve officers.

2.2.1. To the military training on the program of reserve officers (next – military training), according to Article 11 Law of Ukraine “About military duty and military service” attracting students after the second education course (full-time education form) of higher education establishments of Dnipropetrovs’k.

2.2.2. Military training pass citizens of Ukraine are suitable for military service by state of health and moral and professional qualities, if at the beginning of military training they are under 25 years old.

2.2.3. Students pass the military training on the program of preparation of reserve officers from the funds that come from legal or natural persons.

2.3. Organizations of selection students for passing the military training on the program of preparation of reserve officers.

2.3.1. Carry out of competitive selection assigned on selection commission which is appointed by order of the Rector of the University, on the proposal of the head of Department of military training.

2.3.2. Students who expressed a desire to passing a military training personally submit an application on the name of the rector of university.

Submit must consider such information:

Family name, name and patronymic of student;

Number of learning group and name of Faculty of Higher Educational Establishment where he learns;


About passage of basic military service;

About motivation of student concerning passing of military training and its commitment concerning compliance with the requirements that are put forward to students during military training;

To submit attached:

Original of learning card of student from deanery of higher education establishment about full-time form of education and for the previous semesters of study (exams, tests);

Copy of passport of Ukrainian citizen (p. 1, 2, 3, 11);

Copy of identification number;

Copy of ascribed certificate;

2.3.3. From the selection committee required:

Distribution of students in the group to participate in the competitive selection;

Assessing the level of learning achievement of students;

Organization of professional psychological selection of students;

Assessing the level of learning by students on program of pre-conscription training;

Assessing the level of physical training of students;

Assessing the knowledge by students of foreign language;

Making a list of students according to their rating by results of competitive selection;

2.3.4. Distribution of students in groups is carried out considering the relevant direction and specialty training in higher educational establishment and the content of military training for appropriate military specialties

2.3.5. Lists of students of each group subscribe by secretary and approved by Chairman of the selection committee. Indicated lists and schedule of entrance examinations announce for students no later than 2 weeks before the start of competitive selection

2.3.6. Suitability of student to military service due to health is determined based on the decision of the military-medical commission, which operates in the military commissariats. During the requirements definition the state of health of students for military training military medical commission guided by the requirements "Regulations on military-medical examination in the Armed Forces of Ukraine", approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine from August 14, 2008 402

2.3.7. During the passing of competitive selection, student must carry with them a Ukrainian passport and ascribed certificate. Without these documents he is not allowed to conduct exams.

2.3.8. Competitive selection is carried out by such indicators:

Level of learning achievement of student;

Level of pre-conscription training;

Level of physical training of students;

Professional-psychological selection of students;

Level of knowledge by students of foreign language;

2.4. Assessing the level of learning achievements of candidates for passing a military training on program of preparation of reserve officers.

2.4.1. Level of learning achievement of student assessed in credits on basis of examination (tests) putting them at higher education establishment for a semesters, that precede the beginning of military training, and defined as the product of multiplying the average score over passed examinations (tests) on 100.

2.5. Professional-psychological selection of candidates for passing a military training on program of preparation of reserve officers.

2.5.1. Professional-psychological selection of students for enrollment to passing military training on program of preparation of reserve officers on Department of military training carried out according to the requirements of order Ministry of Defense of Ukraine from 22.03.2010 152 On approval of the methodical recommendations for assessing individual psychological qualities of candidates for training in higher military educational establishments and military training units of higher education establishments as well as students in higher education establishments for training on the program of preparation of reserve officers”. Professional-psychological selection basis on analysis of personally-psychological qualities and is the system of events aimed at identifying of persons which by their psycho-physiological qualities and abilities best meet the requirements of military training. Assessment of individual psychological qualities includes assessment of the level of neuropsychological resistance and assessment of ability to learn. Individual psychological qualities of the student evaluated as "passed professional psychological selection" or “failed professional psychological selection”. Students who have at testing of individual psychological qualities detected neuropsychological instability, as well as those which scored less than 35 points by the method of learning ability (maximum score candidates' abilities in learning is 70 points), are considered to be those that did not pass professional psychological selection, and expelled from the number of candidates for training on Department of preparation of reserve officers. Decision of the Selection Committee concerning such students is issued a separate protocol.

2.6. Assessing the level of learning of pre-conscription training by candidates for passing a military training on program of preparation of reserve officers.

2.6.1. With aim of determine the level of pre-conscription training a selection committee carry out testing of students which consists of 5 tasks in writing form and 5 tasks of practical implementation of standards. Amount of points for each correctly done task is equal 10, and maximum amount of points is 100. Students who during testing scored less than 50 points, expelled from the number of candidates for passing a military training. Decision of the Selection Committee concerning such students is issued a separate protocol.

2.6.2. Theoretical part assessing by result of testing for next partitions: military-humanitarian training – checking knowledge from history of Armed Forces of Ukraine, knowing laws which regalements a service in Armed Forces of Ukraine; statute of Armed Forces of Ukraine in the volume of program of pre-conscription training, which study in general educational school; firing training includes theoretical knowledge of tactic-technical characteristics and components of firearms; tactical training includes partitions of main types of combat in offensive and defensive; basics of Civil Defense. All questions do not go beyond a textbookHomeland Protection” for general education schools.

2.6.3. Checking of practical part of exam of pre-conscription training consist from execution standards on firing training and protecting from weapon of mass destruction.

2.7. Level of knowledge by students of foreign language

2.7.1. Knowledge by students of foreign language assessing by results of test. Amount of points for test is 100.

2.8. Assessing of level of physical preparation by for passing a military training on program of preparation of reserve officers.

2.8.1. Level of physical training of candidates according to the Resolution of physical training in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which was approved by order of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine from 30.12.2009 685, determined by the results of practical implementation of exercise. Exams are held in three exercises: running at 100 meters, pulling up on the bar, and running at 1 km (endurance exercise). All exercises are taken in one day. To implement them given one attempt. Repeated performance of physical exercises with aim to improve assessment of level of physical readiness of candidates is not allowed.

2.8.2. Exercises assessment by Standards for determining a level of physical preparation of servicemen of Armed Forces of Ukraine (annex 20 to the Resolution of physical training in the Armed Forces of Ukraine).

2.8.3. Assessment of the level of physical readiness of students is determined by the selection committee as a "set off" or "fail". To obtain an estimate of "set-off" must perform each of the three exercises are designed to test, not lower assessment "satisfactory" or one of 'Poor' except endurance exercise, if you have an estimate of at least "good".

Standards to determine of the physical readiness by candidates for passing a military training on training on program of preparation of reserve officers:

table 1


Exercise for the boys

Pulling up on the bar

Running at 100 meters

Running at 1 km













table 2


Exercise for the girls

Integrated strength


Running at 100 meters

Running at 1 km













2.8.4. Subject to receiving assessment of "fail" the student from among the candidates for military training is deducted.

2.9. The procedure determines the rating of for passing a military training on program of preparation of reserve officers.

2.9.1. Rating of student determine considering

Average score of academic performance of learning;

Total points received by the student based on the results of entrance examinations;

Results of professional-psychological selection;

2.9.2. About each student from the candidates for passing a military training by the selection committee make decisions and one of these conclusions:
"Recommend for admission";
"Not recommended for admission."

2.9.3. After a competitive selection for each military profession compiled a ranking list. List of approved by protocol.

2.9.4. Accordingly to rating list a selection committee develops a draft order of university rector about enrolling students for passing a military training.

2.10. Procedure for presentation of appeals by candidates for passing a military training on program of preparation of reserve officers.

2.10.1. An appeal of students by results of competitive selection s considering Appeal Commission, composition and operation which the university rector approves. An appeal of student by examination results shall be submitted not later than the next working day after announcement of results of entrance examinations.

2.10.2. Extra attempt to climb by students the competitive selection during an appeal is not allowed.

2.11. The procedure of enrollment a candidates for passing a military training on program of preparation of reserve officers.

2.11.1. Enrollment of students for passing a military training on training on program of preparation of reserve officers is based on the order of rector of the State institution of higher education, "National Mining University" on a competitive selection and medical review.

2.11.2. Students who are selected for training on program of preparation of reserve officers for the funds that are received from individuals or legal entities, within one month from the date of transfer enters into a contract for military training of students on program of preparation of reserve officers.

2.11.3. In case of untimely registration of the contract these students are expelled by order of the rector and for vacant seats may enroll students who are following in the ranking list at the conclusion of the Agreement in a certain period.

2.12. The procedure for payment for passing a military training on program of preparation of reserve officers.

2.12.1. Amount of payment for providing educational service "military training" is calculated every year accordingly to estimate and defined in the Agreement for military training of student on program of preparation of reserve officers.

2.12.2. Payment for granting of additional educational services in UAH, cash or bank transfer within twenty days from the beginning of the semester. Payment for training is entered for one term.

2.12.3. In case a student deductions from those who learn, or unwillingness to continue training, funds received for the military training of the student will not be returned.

The head of the selection committee
the Department
of military training M.P.Condratuk



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