Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

DSC03387-1.jpgMilitary training of students including teaching and professional programs as an independent discipline and consists from theoretical and practical training courses and military training, conducted in a military base.

List of basic requirements for knowledge, skills and habits, which must have graduates of Military department, their professional appointment specified in qualification characteristics of specialists. For every specialty developed qualification characteristics, educational programs and plans.IMGP9941-1.jpg

Military department of National Mining University provides training of reserved officers for Ukrainian Armed Forces on specialty:

Combat use of armored divisions and units;

Combat use of mechanized division and units;

Exploitation and repair artillery weapons;

Exploitation and repair electrical equipment and automation;

DSCN0720-1.jpgApprenticeship 2 years.

23.09.2009 1872-SAC By decision of the State Accreditation Commission of Ukraine military department of National Mining University licensing for continue educational activities on the military training of students on the program of reserve officers.IMG_9627-1.jpg

For military training involved students of full-time education 9 faculties of National mining university and 8 other institution of higher education in Dnipropetrovsk.



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